So, I had my Raw Comedy heat on Saturday. Just to get it out there from the get-go, I didn't get through. I'm okay with that. I'm really glad I did it. I don't think I disgraced myself.
I just so happened to be on after the MCs went off on a big tangent about horse
f$#@ing. So, I got the awesome introduction "and here's someone who probably hasn't
f$#@ed a horse- Tracey Hogue!". It was certainly the crassest introduction and put me in a bit of a predicament because I did not want to begin my routine by swearing or talking about bestiality. Just one of those rules I had given myself...
So, I just chose to ignore it and get on with what I was going to do anyway. It probably ended up just looking like I couldn't cope with improvisation. I would have loved to respond to that introduction in a clever way. Can you think of anything?
I've realised that most comedy is low-brow, especially the type where you only have 5 minutes to get some cheap laughs. But you know what? I'm glad that I abided by my own rules and didn't swear (I did say 'crap' but that doesn't count- they say it on 'Home and Away') or talk about typical female comedy things.
Actually, what do you think about the swearing thing? You see, I swear in 'real life' and I don't have a huge problem with it. I just thought that it would be interesting to try and be funny without it...