
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm glad I don't have fur

It has been very, very hot for the last few days. I've heard reports that it was 39 degrees today! This is the kind of day that, if you go to the zoo, the animals look at you like you're completely insane.
I'm glad I don't have fur.
Though, my hair is quite long and I'm trying to figure out if it needs to go. I kind of want to keep it, though- it feels more 'me'. Which is funny because I cut it a couple of years ago because it didn't feel 'me'. I decided that long hair was a bit too 'traditional' for someone with a bit of an edge. Bah, who cares really? Does anyone have an opinion? That's a real question by the way...
I have a cold. It's so weird having a cold when it's really hot. It's hard to differentiate between the discomfort that comes from having a cold and the discomfort that comes with excessive heat.
I went to the movies yesterday and saw 'The Prestige'. I liked it. David and Margaret said that it was more convoluted than 'Memento'- but I thought it was easier to follow.
It was pretty cool, though.
Anyway, I thought it would be lovely and cool in the theatre- but it was TOO cold- and, silly me, I didn't think I'd need a cardi on a 36 degree day. What can ya do?


Blogger Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I get very grumpy in THFC weather (too hot for cats). I'll get Kate to take some photos of me when (and if) we ever get any more THFC weather in Tasmania. I'm told it's worth a look.

Someone else Kate knows went and saw The Prestige and liked it... Mikey? Not sure. Anyway, Nick and Kate have been fighting over whether 'the prestige' is a dumb name for that part of a magic trick. Kate thinks it is, Nick thinks it's cool. I really don't care. Thoughts?

5:22 pm  
Blogger The Librarian said...

Hmmm, don't cut too much off, maybe get it rock chick layered???? Then you still have "tracey" length and reflect 'the edge' factor.

My layers are growing out at the mo' but it does take the weight off the hair and make it look passable even when you don;t get around to washing it....

However, it might require investing in some product...

Yes, I'm a bit scared about how I'll cope with the heat. I'm pretty heat sensitive...

We're trying to sell our car and get one with air con, not going so well.... ( unless you want to guy one that is a great car except when it cooks you???) ;)

12:16 pm  
Blogger Trace said...

Hmm, The Prestige: I think it's cool but it doesn't make much sense (for that part of a magic trick). It's a cool name for a movie! Guess I don't feel strongly either way. I'll just hop of this fence now, it's a bit painful...
Aims, thanks for the hair advice. I think you've made some good points.
Also, air con IS pretty important in melbs. Press on, Sister!

1:47 pm  
Blogger fional said...

I'm joyfully growing my hair, but I know what you mean about traditional. However, I reckon long hair can be very beautiful and I reckon you can go for beauty in the hair department and edginess in the clothes.

5:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

long hair or short mmm... I have stages it just annoys me and I want to cut it off, however I enjoy the felxibility of being able to have it either down or up, it's nice in the evening to have it down and keep the neck warm but on the warmer days to have it up out of the way. Mine takes soo long to grow that I don't think I would get the courage to cut it. Like your post about your Granfather :)

3:37 pm  

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