
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sun = contentment

I'm loving the sun at the moment. I'm still hopeless at getting up in the morning, but did get to see most of the day on Tuesday as I drove Kate Donnelly to the airport at 7 am. Did some Bible reading and praying, I had coffee with a girl from my small group, practised some violin duets with a mate and worked in Jude's office in the afternoon. That evening we had some people over for dinner and I cooked a roast.
I loved Tuesday and felt like it was productive and interesting. I wish everyday could be like Tuesday, but alas...
I was exhausted on Wednesday and knew that I'd have to work on Wednesday evening (teaching delightful little children, and a couple of adults, to play the violin)- so, I slept in and missed my class. Today was similar- but I only missed an hour of lectures.
I would love to finish a week, knowing that I'd met all my obligations. Has anyone out there managed to do it? What does it feel like?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Would I get a dog?

Most people who know me know that I love animals. I am more likely to coo over a puppy than I am a baby. That does not mean that I think that puppies, or animals generally, are better than people. It means that I think that animals have less potential to disappoint than people do. Cynical, I know, but I like to know what I'm dealing with.

"But BABIES!" I hear you say. "They're so innocent and cute!" I don't agree. They have as much capacity to do wrong as any other human, we are just more likely to forgive them on the basis of their cuteness; just as we accept people on the basis of how they look. Every being has intrinsic value because they are created by God regardless of whether they're blonde, brunette, old, young, pimply, wrinkly, fat, thin, toothless, tactless or feckless.

Along with the potential to disappoint that every human has, though, is the capacity to delight and surprise.

I am aware of the tendency that we have to shy away from human relationships because of so much hurt that has been experienced and could be experienced. A dog is a good companion but not the best.

Would I get a dog? Maybe. But, much like babies, I'm pretty happy to look at other people's.

That raises a whole other question of whether it is actually responsibility that I'm afraid of...